Game Dev Tutorial Series
In high school I learned a lot about programming from One of my favorite parts of the website was the sandbox where I could write JavaScript programs that used the CodeHS graphics library. Outside of my programming classes, I would spend hours in the sandbox crafting my own projects such creating animated patterns. Over time I moved on to more elaborate projects such as developing small games. Later in the school year, CodeHS hosted a programming contest and they selected a game I made on their site called Drone Delivery.
Fast forward a few years and I had learned a lot since the time I made Drone Delivery. As a way to give back to the the CodeHS community, I used the new programming techniques I learned to develop a tutorial series for high school students that explains the process of developing a game start to finish. I wanted to make it accessible to students without much prior programming experience, so I broke the process down into ten digestible videos.
I also wanted the series to demonstrate how exciting the CS field can be, so I aimed to design a final product that students could be proud of completing. The game I show them how to make called Meteor Galaxy features an open scrolling environment with parallax stars to create an engaging experience for the players.
After I designed this game, I jumped into filming and editing. I used a capture card connected to a camera as a webcam, and I recorded content from the screen, camera, and microphone using OBS Studio. I edited the footage with Adobe Premiere Pro and shared the videos on my YouTube channel. Below is the introduction video for the series.
Once I finished recording the ten core videos and the introduction, I shared the series with the CodeHS team and they created a mini-course with my content that teachers can use in the classroom! It was a great experience working with the CodeHS team and I am excited that my work can reach more students on their platform.
You can view the mini-course here!
CodeHS also featured me on their Read Write Code Blog!